
API Documentation

Library for data encryption using symmetric encryption algorithms.


Data encryption example using AES:


import io.github.jhdcruz.kipher.symmetric.aes.AesGCM

class EncryptionTest {

fun main() {
val encryptionUtils = AesGCM()

val data = "sample data".encodeToByteArray()
val aad = "sample aad".encodeToByteArray()

// named parameters are recommended, but optional
val encrypted = AesGCM.encrypt(
data = message,
aad = aad,
// optional `key` parameter
) // returns Map<String, ByteArray> of [data, key]

val decrypted = AesGCM.decrypt(encrypted)

// or

val decrypted = AesGCM.decrypt(
encrypted = encrypted.getValue("data"),
key = encrypted.getValue("key")

println(decryptedPass.toString(), Charsets.UTF_8) // outputs "sample data"

Java (Non-kotlin)

import io.github.jhdcruz.kipher.symmetric.aes.AesGCM;

import java.util.Map;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {
AesGCM encryptionUtils = new AesGCM();

byte[] data = "Hello World".getBytes();

Map<String, byte[]> encrypted = encryptionUtils.encrypt(data);

byte[] val = encryptionUtils.decrypt(encrypted);

// or

byte[] val = encryptionUtils.decrypt(

System.out.println(new String(val)); // outputs "Hello World"

Using different key size

import io.github.jhdcruz.kipher.symmetric.aes.AesCBC

class EncryptionTest {

fun main() {
val encryptionUtils = AesCBC()

val data = "sample data".encodeToByteArray()

val secretKey: ByteArray = encryptionUtils.generateKey(128) // should be a valid one

val encrypted = encryptionUtils.encrypt(
data = message,
key = secretKey

val decrypted = encryptionUtils.decrypt(encrypted)

println(decryptedPass.toString(), Charsets.UTF_8) // outputs "sample data"

Using different security provider

import io.github.jhdcruz.kipher.symmetric.SymmetricEncryption


class Main {
fun main() {
// must be declared before using any symmetric ciphers methods!
val provider: Provider = Security.getProvider("SunJCE")


  • encrypt

  • decrypt

Easy and straightforward methods, but relies on internal implementation.

You cannot decrypt a data that was encrypted by a different method or library. Unless they use the same internal implementation as this library.

Advanced Usage

  • encryptBare

  • decryptBare

Requires all the necessary data for the encryption/decryption process, such as IV, key, AADs, whatever that is applicable.

You can decrypt data that was encrypted by a different method or library. Unless they involve a different or custom implementation of the encryption/decryption process.


extractGet the encryption details from an encrypted data encrypted using kipher.
concatConcatenates the data, iv, and aad (if applicable) into a single ByteArray.


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